How to Fix Winged Scapula (Serratus Anterior Exercises)

how to fix winged scapula

In this video I discuss a condition called Winged Scapula aka Scapular Winging. This condition is caused by an injury to the long thoracic nerve and weakness in the Serratus Anterior muscle located on the underside of each shoulder blade. The Serratus Anterior muscle is responsible for maintaining the shoulder blades attached to the rib…

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TOP 5 Myths About Sciatica (DEBUNKED)

5 sciatica myths debunked

I often hear many people talking about how their sciatica flares up every now and then but the majority of people don’t know what is really happening inside their body. So I decided to write this post, to help you better understand what sciatica is and to debunk the top 5 common myths about this…

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Acupressure Mat Benefits: Pranamat Acupuncture Mat Review

acupressure mat benefits pranamat review acupuncture mat

Click here for 10% off Pranamat Just click this link and the 10% off will be applied instantly. Acupressure Mat Benefits: Pranamat Review If you suffer from muscle tension, tension headaches, neck, upper back, and low back pain that’s muscular in nature, this Pranamat review video will explain the benefits of acupressure mats, sometimes called…

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How to Read an MRI for Herniated Discs (#1 Cause of Sciatica)

how to read an mri lumbar spine herniated disc sciatica

When treating sciatica, it’s very important to understand the anatomy in the spine and pelvis because knowing the source of the problem will help you to follow the correct treatment plan for best results. In this video I show you the anatomy of the lumbar spine as seen on an MRI image and I go…

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