Dr. Jose Guevara, DC is a chiropractor. He currently practices and operates Dr Jose Guevara in Gainesville, Georgia.
He is the founder of DrJoseGuevara.com and PainFreeInstitute.net, websites designed to empower people with solutions to improve their health.
He has developed 7 revolutionary online programs with participants from all over the world. These programs include E-guides, recipe guides, video instructions including: Eliminate Pain: The Expert’s Guide to Healing Back Pain and Neck Pain Without Drugs or Surgery, SoothingNutrition.com, The Lean Body Formula, Sayonara Sciatica System, Patellar Tendonitis Fix, Tennis Elbow Fix, and The Winged Scapula Fix.

Dr. Guevara sees patients from across the U.S. at his clinic, where he helps customize specific lifestyle plans to improve performance and live with less pain and more energy.
Dr. Guevara is a sought after speaker on topics such as musculoskeletal injuries, weight loss, functional exercise, and prevention.

He also consults with patients from all over the world through online consultations.
Social Media
Dr. Guevara is very active in social media and always willing to help and answers questions. If you’d like to say hi to him, follow him on these sites:
From Dr. Guevara:
I’m on a mission to inspire and empower as many people as possible to reach their full health potential. This is what I’m focused on and I train diligently to provide the highest quality health care experience possible so that people are truly inspired to reach new heights and experience their health potential.
My team and I at DrJoseGuevara.com are experts in our field and we study and train rigorously on our techniques, protocols, health strategies and communication skills in order to deliver excellence in our care and coaching. You can trust and rely on my team members to either know or find the solutions to your health care pursuits.
Through my programs and educational material I hope to empower people to achieve the best health possible and to live a vibrant lifestyle.
On my spare time, I enjoy spending time with my family and reviewing fitness equipment at ShreddedDad.com
I built the Shredded Dad website because fitness has always been a part of me and there’s no easier way to workout than to you have your own gym at home.
That’s where I come up with new garage gym ideas, gym hacks, and fitness tips that keep me in shape.
Stop by there if home gyms are something that interests you.
2009 DC – Doctorate of Chiropractic, Life University
2005 BS – Liberal Arts, Excelsior College
About the clinic
At our office we provide treatment for patients involved in car accidents, slip and falls, and work related injuries on a lien basis, which means you don’t pay any money out of pocket. Payment for your treatment is made by the insurance company at fault. All of our Doctors are Board Certified and experts in accident injuries. They understand the importance of proper documentation and case management.
Our bilingual staff is in constant contact with our patients’ attorneys, advising them of our medical findings, treatment recommendations, and medical reports.
Our team of Doctors can treat you for most injuries and we provide many services under one roof: diagnostic testing, physical therapy, chiropractic, dispensing medications, epidural and facet injections, orthopedic surgery, and other procedures.