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Berkey Coupon Code / Bundle Discount

Looking for a Berkey coupon code?

Berkey doesn’t offer coupon codes (only on rare occasions) but I’ll show you the next best thing to get a discount on their water filter products.

Watch the Berkey bundle discount video below or just click here to go directly to the bundles page.

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Berkey Filter Review

Berkey water filters are unique in their ability to meet the needs of a wide range of users.

This means that if you purchase a Berkey, you will not have to compromise on any of the attributes you consider necessary.

Water Filtering Ability

All Berkey water filters produce purified drinking water.

In order to be classified as a water purifier, Berkey has surpassed standards set by the military in order to be able to differentiate between water filters of different abilities.

These standards set the bar so high that very few are able to achieve this classification.

Berkey water filters not only meet this standard but surpasses it with never before seen results.

Water Filter vs Water Purifier

The term water filter is universally used to describe many water filtration devices including the Berkey systems.

While the term can be an accurate description, the meaning when talking about water treatment standards is different. 

So, What is the difference between a water filter and a water purifier?

Water filters are meant to filter out waterborne protozoa and bacteria, but not viruses.

Water purifiers filter out protozoa, bacteria and viruses.

All Berkey systems contain the Black Berkey Filters and meet the Water purifier standard.

In fact, Berkey Purifiers far surpass this standard and actually remove 99.9999999% known as a log 9 reduction, when dealing with pathogenic bacteria.

This distinction is what makes Berkey the only certifiable gravity flow water purification system.

The Berkey is Economical

The water filtration elements inside every Berkey system are cleanable, this allows each Black Berkey element to produce up to 3000 gallons of purified drinking water without the costly need of replacement.

Take our most popular system the Big Berkey for example.

This system comes with two filters, so the life of these filters would be 6000 gallons.

The average family of four would drink about 2 to 4 gallons of water per day.

Under those conditions the filters would not need replaced for a minimum of 4 years.

That’s using the Berkey to produce every drop of drinking and cooking water you would need for 1500 continuous days.

Factor in the cost to replace the filters and the cost to enjoy purified drinking water is less than 2 cents per gallon. 

Control your own water quality

When you purchase water from water fill stations or buy bottled water, do you really know the quality of that water?

With water fill stations, much maintenance is required for the machine to function properly.

Is the person in charge of that maintenance changing filters when necessary or do they let them go beyond their ability to boost profits? Is the machine sanitized on a regular basis?

Is the bottled water you purchase going through a filtering process, or is it just regular tap water from a municipal supply?

The point is that if you are not producing your own water, you really are not in control of the quality of that water.

If you own a Berkey Water Filter system you will be in charge of all of these factors and know that the water is being purified to the highest quality standards.

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