Tennis Elbow Tendonitis Exercises & Rounded Shoulders

tennis elbow tendonitis exercises lateral epicondylitis rounder shoulders

When it comes to treating tennis elbow correctly, you have to take into account the whole kinetic chain. You have to look at imbalances and weakness above and below the elbow joint, not just at the elbow itself. For this reason, it’s important to look at the upper extremity’s anchor point which is the scapulae…

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BEST Tennis Elbow Exercise for Lateral Epicondylitis Relief

best tennis elbow exercises stretches lateral epicondylitis

Tennis elbow exercises should focus on weaknesses and imbalances above and below the elbow joint, not just on the joint itself. The most common exercises for lateral epicondylitis focus on the wrist extensors muscles that sit on top of the forearm. So you might be asking yourself… Why are you working on the wrist extensors…

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Tennis Elbow Exercises & Stretches (Supinator Muscle)

tennis elbow exercises stretches lateral epicondylitis supinator

When it comes to treating tennis elbow, most people focus on exercises and stretches for the extensor muscles of the wrist and for good reason since they attach to the lateral epicondyle and contribute to lateral epicondylitis in most cases. However, the wrist extensors are not the only muscles that can cause pain on the…

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What Causes Tennis Elbow & How to Test Yourself

tennis elbow cause test lateral epicondylitis

Tennis elbow is an overuse injury commonly seen in people that do repetitive hand movements such as people that type all day, painters, carpenters, and people using hand tools on a daily basis.  It affects the extensor muscles of the wrist that attach to the lateral epicondyle of the elbow (outside of the elbow). These…

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