How to Improve Posture Instantly (NO POSTURE BRACE NEEDED)

Here’s a quick tip that will help you improve your posture INSTANTLY without the need for a posture brace or posture corrector. This will help you to fix your posture especially if you sit down all day long.  As you probably know, prolonged sitting causes you to slouch and have bad posture as your back muscles…

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How to Improve Bad Posture (4 POSTURE EXERCISES – NO EQUIPMENT)

One of the easiest ways to correct your posture is to move your arms back and squeeze the muscles in between your shoulder blades. One simple group of posture correction exercises that does this is called YTWL. The letters YTWL stand for the shape your arms and body will mimic when your perform the exercises. First you’ll…

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Herniated Disc in Neck (SLIPPED DISC TREATMENT)

Cervical disc herniations can cause sharp pain in the neck and if the herniation pinches a nerve, it can also cause sensations to travel from the shoulders all the way down to the finger tips. What is commonly called a slipped disc, can happen most commonly from car accidents and sudden blunt trauma to the…

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Neck and Shoulder Pain Relief (UPPER BACK PAIN RELIEF!!)

If you’re constantly suffering from a lot of tension in the neck and upper back, there’s a cheap piece of equipment you can get your hands on that can dramatically reduce the amount of neck and shoulder pain at the end of the day. Looking down for prolonged periods of time is one of the…

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