Sciatica Pain Relief Exercises for Herniated Disc and Pinched Sciatic Nerve

In this video, you’ll learn 2 exercises that will help to relieve leg pain (sciatica) and lower back pain caused by a herniated disc in the lower back. When a disc herniation is pressing on the sciatic nerve, you can have sharp shooting pain that runs down the leg. You can also have sciatica symptoms…
Top Sciatica Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment

Sciatica has several causes and in this video, I discuss the top 3 causes. Sciatica symptoms include lower back pain that is sharp pain and goes down the distribution of the sciatic nerve which runs from the lower back all the way down to the toes. Whenever there is a disc herniation present, the outward…
Best Exercises for Herniated Disc in Back (BEAT SCIATIC NERVE PAIN)

If you’ve been diagnosed with a herniated disc, bulging disc, or slipped disc in your lower back then the exercises in this video will help to provide relief. When you’re suffering from lower back pain due to a lumbar disc herniation, you may feel a sharp pain in the low back as well as other…
Low Back Strengthening Exercises (STRONG LOWER BACK!!)

Strengthening the lower back muscles is key to avoid injuries. Preventing low back pain is easier than you think, if you’re willing to put in 5 to 10 minutes of daily work to try these exercises at home every day. It is much harder to heal a low back injury than to maintain a strong core…