How to Treat Sciatica At Home With Spinal Decompression and Exercises

disc decompression therapy

Pain Relief In As Little As 10 Minutes a Day Yes, fast pain relief is possible when you combine specific therapeutic exercises with the power of gravity and the strong pull it has on our low back everyday. In this post, you’ll discover how a drug­less therapy has helped millions of people worldwide to relieve…

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Prevent Low Back Injuries and Sciatica at Home

In this video I share a quick tip on how to prevent lower back pain and sciatica while doing everyday activities that involve bending forward. Activities that you do around the house such as brushing your teeth, reaching down while doing the laundry, and leaning over a sink, can place a lot of pressure on your…

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Prevent Sciatica Flare Up When Getting Out of Bed

As we sleep, the lack of constant motion causes our bodies to be more stiff when we wake up. This stiffness can increase the sensation of pain if you’re suffering from lower back pain and sciatica. The mattress you sleep on could also play a role on how your spine and body is supported throughout…

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The ONE Exercise You MUST Do For Herniated Discs and Sciatica

One of the best ways to treat a herniated disc and sciatica is through therapeutic exercises that stimulate motion and nourishment in the discs.  Intervertebral discs are avascular (have zero or very little blood supply) structures which require motion and exercise in order to heal properly. This is something that medications, painkillers, or injections can’t…

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